by Dr. E. W. Kenyon

Overview - What does "Identification" mean? It means our complete union with Him in His Substitutionary Sacrifice. The teaching of Identification is the legal side of Redemption. It unveils to us what God did in Christ for us, from the time He went to the Cross, until He sat down on the right hand of the Father. Christ became one with us in sin, that we might become one with Him in righteousness. He became as we were, to the end that we might be as He is now. There is a two-fold oneness: first, His oneness with our sin and humanity on the Cross; second, our oneness with Him in His glory on the throne. In ... See more details below
Other Books by Dr. E. W. Kenyon
What does "Identification" mean? It means our complete union with Him in His Substitutionary Sacrifice. The teaching of Identification is the legal side of Redemption. It unveils to us what God did in Christ for us, from the time He went to the Cross, until He sat down on the right hand of the Father. Christ became one with us in sin, that we might become one with Him in righteousness. He became as we were, to the end that we might be as He is now. There is a two-fold oneness: first, His oneness with our sin and humanity on the Cross; second, our oneness with Him in His glory on the throne. In the fact of Identification we have one of the richest phases of Redemption. When these truths really gain the ascendancy in us, they will make us spiritual supermen. This is an unveiling of what we are in Christ, how the Father sees us in the Son. It will be the end of weakness and failure. There will be no more struggle for faith, for all things are ours. There will be no more praying for power, for He is in us. There will no longer be the awful bondage of sin consciousness, for we are the Righteousness of God in Christ.
Product Details
ISBN-13: 9781577700135
Publisher: KENYONS GOSPEL PUB SOC; 21st Edition edition (February 1, 1995)
Format: Paperback
Publication Date: (February 1, 1995)
Edition description: 21st Edition edition
Pages: 69
Product dimensions: 6 x 4.3 x 0.2 inches
Meet the Author
Dr. E. W. Kenyon (1867-1948) was born in Saratoga County, New York. At age nineteen, he preached his first sermon. He pastored several churches in New England and founded the Bethel Bible Institute in Spencer, Massachusetts. (The school later became the Providence Bible Institute when it was relocated to Providence, Rhode Island.) Kenyon served as an evangelist for over twenty years. In 1931, he became a pioneer in Christian radio on the Pacific Coast with his show Kenyon's Church of the Air, where he earned the moniker "The Faith Builder." He also began the New Covenant Baptist Church in Seattle, Washington. In addition to his pastoral and radio ministries, Kenyon wrote extensively.
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