Deluxe Then and Now Maps
by Rose Publishing

Overview - Deluxe Then and Now Bible Map Book includes full-color Bible maps with clear-plastic overlays that show modern cities and countries. This is the deluxe version of the #1 bestselling Bible Atlas in the U.S. in 2007. It includes twice as many pages as the original version, plus a CD-ROM of all the maps. The bestselling Deluxe Then and Now Bible Map Book brings new relevance to your studies and teaching, and to compare Bible times and modern-day maps. Book measures 11.25" x 9.5" x 1". Special hard cover hides spiral binding. Looks great on a bookshelf and opens flat for ease of use and for photoc ... See more details below
Other Books by Rose Publishing
Deluxe Then and Now Maps
Deluxe Then and Now Bible Map Book includes full-color Bible maps with clear-plastic overlays that show modern cities and countries. This is the deluxe version of the #1 bestselling Bible Atlas in the U.S. in 2007. It includes twice as many pages as the original version, plus a CD-ROM of all the maps. The bestselling Deluxe Then and Now Bible Map Book brings new relevance to your studies and teaching, and to compare Bible times and modern-day maps. Book measures 11.25" x 9.5" x 1". Special hard cover hides spiral binding. Looks great on a bookshelf and opens flat for ease of use and for photocopying. Copies cannot be sold.
Want to make your Bible studies and teachings more interesting? You can with Deluxe Now and Then Bible Maps. The atlas presents "Then and Now" maps for five different eras of Bible history, including:
The Beginnings to the Exodus
The Conquest of the Promised Land to the United Kingdom
The Divided Kingdom to the Persian Empire
The Life of Jesus
The Spread of Christianity
Easily compare Bible times with modern day times. Tell Bible stories and lead studies while presenting today s geography. Here are some examples:
Daniel was taken as POW to Iraq (where the ruins of Babylon are today south of Baghdad) and lived there the rest of his life
The ruins of Nineveh are in Northern Iraq near Mosul in Kurdish areas
Deluxe Then and Now Bible Maps uses larger, easier-to-read type than most Bible atlases. The book is full-color and includes the following Bible maps and clear-plastic overlays that display today's cities and countries over Bible-time maps. Pastors will want a copy of this resource for themselves and several throughout the church as a ministry resource.
The maps and overlays included:
The Middle East during Old Testament Times
Clear Overlay of modern-day Middle East
Map of the Assyrian Empire at three different time periods
Clear Overlay of same areas with modern-day countries
The Holy Land during the time of the Old Testament (12 Tribes)
Clear Overlay of modern-day Israel and surrounding countries
The Holy Land with territory of Kings Saul, David, and Solomon.
Clear Overlay of modern-day Israel and surrounding countries
The Holy Land showing the United and Divided Kingdoms
Clear Overlay of modern-day Israel and surrounding countries
Map of the Babylonian Kingdoms and Persian Empire
Clear Overlay of same areas with modern-day countries
The Holy Land during the time of Jesus (and a list of where Jesus walked)
Clear Overlay of modern-day Holy Land
Paul's Journeys (Roman Empire at AD 60)
Clear Overlay of modern-day Mediterranean area.
Deluxe Then and Now Bible Maps also includes these maps:
List of Paul's journeys and routes
Chart of Paul's letters (date, where written, and to whom)
Abraham's Journeys (2 maps)
Jacob's Journeys
Joseph's Journey to Egypt
The Exodus and Wilderness Wanderings
The Tabernacle layout (birds-eye view)
Map of Jerusalem at the time of Kings David and Solomon
Map of Jerusalem at the Time of Jesus
Tomb of Jesus
Chart of major and minor prophets, location, to whom they prophesied
Kingdoms of Daniel 2
New Testament and Old Testament Time Line
Journeys of Peter and Philip
Expansion of Christianity in the Roman Empire
Product Details
ISBN-13: 9781596361638
Publisher: Rose Publishing, Inc. (January 7, 2008)
Format: Spiral Bound
Publication Date: (January 7, 2008)
Pages: 40
Product dimensions: 11.1 x 9 x 0.7 inches
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