A Lawyer's Examination of the Bible

by Howard H. Russell LL. D.

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Overview - This volume is another of the sincere efforts which earnest men are making to confront the reason of the time with the claim of Christianity. It has all the importance of such an attempt, and, added to this, it has the meaning of a chapter of autobiography. Its author was a lawyer, and met the difficulties of belief which come naturally to a lawyer’s mind. While these may seem at first adverse to the discovery of the truth, these very experiences of mind gave to him a mental method, which, sooner or later, was sure to bring him and the truth together. His conclusion may not have been reached ... See more details below

Other Books by Howard H. Russell LL. D.

A Lawyer's Examination of the Bible


This volume is another of the sincere efforts which earnest men are making to confront the reason of the time with the claim of Christianity. It has all the importance of such an attempt, and, added to this, it has the meaning of a chapter of autobiography. Its author was a lawyer, and met the difficulties of belief which come naturally to a lawyer’s mind. While these may seem at first adverse to the discovery of the truth, these very experiences of mind gave to him a mental method, which, sooner or later, was sure to bring him and the truth together. His conclusion may not have been reached so that every step in the argument appears as well taken as another, but the steady movement of the mind is toward indubitable truth which lies at the end of a logical pathway; and the feeling that the lawyer’s intellect has been satisfied gives the volume a right to be read by all thoughtful persons.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781507566787

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (January 14, 2015)

Format: Paperback

Publication Date: (January 14, 2015)

Pages: 192

Product dimensions: 5.5 x 0.4 x 8.5 inches

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