1225g https://s3.amazonaws.com/logospedia/data/audio/mp3/1225G.mp3 And i'd like to close tonight with second that's a load ian's chapter to bless your heart, virge starting, but we are bound to give what always to god for you, brethren beloved of the lord, because god has from the beginning chosen you to salvation from before the foundations of the world through scientific ation being set apart by the spirit and belief of the truth. We're until he called you by our gospel good news to the obtaining of the glory of our lord jesus christ. Therefore, brethren stand fast and hold the traditions the right doctrine would she have been taught whether by word or are a pistol now our lord jesus christ himself and god, even our father, which have loved us, hasn't has given us everlasting consolation in good hope through grace, comfort your hearts and establish you in every good word and work. The reason i wanted to close with this tonight as one of the marks of reason in verse eighteen there for brethren stand watch that way have just concluded a tremendous a couple of days employment, and we're getting beginning two more days on the type of production that should be produced and come out of the worried over the world auditorium sometimes it's easy to start something it's a little more difficult to keep it going, i am not concerned about the opening of the word over the world auditorium will be no problem with that everybody on one opening i'm concerned about how wide open it will be five or ten years after we opened it and will the people be as excited ten years after we open it as the night we open it and that's why i wanted to teach on the mark a reason tonight therefore if we keep everything right, then the word over the world will be a fantastic blessing. The centrality of the worried over the world is the word of god at the center of that auditorium has to be the word the taught worried the preached word doctrine reproved correction which is instruction in righteousness that has to be at the center but then we can back it up with a lot of other things and that's what we're here for for the next couple of days and this is why i wanted to close with this great section from sex and that's alone we're bound to give thanks to god for you and i'm thankful for every one of you because god had from before the foundations or the beginning called you he's chosen you i do not believe that anybody that's here for this word over the world production meeting it's here by accident i think you're here by the providence of god chose and you through sanctification set apart by the spirit and because you believe the truth, therefore, brethren stand fast way just never move on the integrity of the word. No matter how great a production is, it can never replace the centrality of lord. Therefore, at the center of all of the work of the ministry is the way to god, you see at the time of the reformation, i don't know how many of you know that's historically, but it's true at the time of the reformation builders did what is called they made pope it's, and they put the pope it right in the center of the building and on on that pope. But they had a big pulpit bible, if many times on it was open was this big, and the reason they did this is because they wanted the centrality of the word in that particular building at that location. Now in the the roman catholic church, the centrality of the word has never been there because the center of the front of every building it's not the word, but they're three steps god, the father god, the son god, the holy ghost, they go up, and then there is an altar behind it with a cross on it, and the altar is always indicative of sacrifice and death, not that jesus christ entered in once and it's over with but that is constantly being sacrificed all the time, which is not the truth of the word on and then as the years went by and people got away from loving the word and the integrity and accuracy of the word didn't continue working the word like we're doing tonight in protestantism they move the word to the side they put what they call a lectern at one place from which they read the morning lesson in protestantism and they put the pulpit on the other side and in some of the churches they reinstituted the altar at the back and put the cross on it with the communion cup and offering plates and then they built the pope it up high called a crow's nest and then whenever they preach, they'd have to walk up in the grossness there it was up high, but it was the word was not central. The preaching wass and preaching is not necessarily true unless it's the true explanation of the world that's why at the center of our ministry and of our worried over the world auditorium has to be the word whenever the way ministry loses the centrality of the worried in that auditorium, you might as well knock it down with a big, bold owes or one does big balls that slap things down because then we'll just be another group of deluded people, but as long as you watch the word and it put the worried at the center, and then have the love and the boldness to teach it accurately to the best of your ability, like i've done again with you tonight on just one simple little worried from the word the word, therefore, a mark of reason every time. From now on you read that word, take a breath, and know that it's specifically marked as a mark of reason, so that you pay attention. What went before, therefore life, or because of what went before. Okay, now our lord jesus christ, himself and god, even our father, who has loved us and that has loved us. It is in the present as eric harris tents. If i remember correctly, he keeps loving us once and for always. He's very seventeen comfort your heart's, comfort them. Comfort your hearts is to give you a quiet acquiescence so that you don't have to bite your fingernails up to the even the first knuckle, let alone the second, comfort your heart and establish you in every good work word, and in what works, establish you. That means put your feet in cement. Let it dry, i guess, and you're really stable make you stable in every good word, word and in every good. Work well, father, i sure thank you. How beautifully you've said you're worried and that we can understand, like this mark of reason. Thank you for your love, your grace, sir. Goodness. And thank you for allowing us to live in this day and time an hour at this momentous occasion of the history of the world, in the name of jesus christ, our lord. Amen.